
Showing posts from May, 2021

Special Announcement #1: Will be posting more often!

hello my readers,  sorry i haven't been able  to post recently. i have been  busy lately  with a couple of things like writing my whole life story which will soon be posted(im fixing the spelling errors and adding more memories) here because i believe that it has a value to this world (parents and kids) so expect a big post soon :) with the link attached to it. but i will be posting when i can  rather  continuing with the TEMP Series or making different posts about tech , anime , manga , game dev and games :) i would love to know what you have been up to or whatever you would love to say to me , ask a question :) whatever You can tell me in the comment section of this post.

Episode 3 Toxic positivity ...the theft of humanity Script for TEMP

  Hello Guys and welcome Back to Timothy's Empowerment Podcast TOXIC POSITIVITY  WHAT is it ? it is the illusion that everything is perfect  sure , things can be great but not all the times  there will be some low periods so when Positivity become Toxic !!!! when you use it to hide from reality ....(in fact you arent positive when you do this) and saddness just happens to be part of reality so if you use it to hide from problems you are lying && hurting yourself should you stay in a very negative position? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO But you should accept that and from that point try to solve the problem  you see the problem with "chasing happiness" is that you subcommunicate to yourself that you arent happy already from this level say that you have happiness(no matter what level)and move towards Greater JOY!!!  thats when you will see results I am going to make an episode ,am sure each and everybody can relate to at some point in their lives during a ...

Episode 2 - The Power of Gratitude script for T.E.M.P

 Hello Guys and welcome back to Timoth's Empowering Podacast Todays episode is going to be on Gratitude If you have been reading any Self Development Literature ...You must have stumbled upon the concept and now You are wondering if it works or if you should bother doing it And yet again :)lemme be your example [ALWAYS] Gratitude does make You a Brighter individual  Why? Because it turns your focus away from that which hurts You You look at what you have and Thank God for providing that And guess what ,Thats when God gives You more whenever you wake Up or before you sleep always tell God how much you love the Things he has given You :) Throughout the day ...go About appreciating what ever it is that you have physical or internal it doesnt really matter  and as you do is  Make sure You use alot of Emotion because it is Emotion that creates the change not just thoughts alone  A thought charged with Emotion and a thought that doesnt will be touched upon differently...

Episode 1 - The Voice within Script for TEMP

 Have You ever felt like there is something inside of You? Just screaming to be let loose...It constantly reminds of how nasty things are going It screams all day and through the night and You often fail to obtain High Quality Rest... In today's Episode of TEMP.... We shall discover ways of speaking to this voice....But first  i want to thank You as an individual for listening to my Podacast It means alot to me I LOVE YOU :) okay Right to the Good stuff What exactly is this voice? The Voice is actually you ... You have to believe me on this one... The voice differs from person to person but it brings forth a message that will be constantly repeated till we answer it.... It will constantly tell You how Lonely you are ...How nasty You are in Hopes that You get off Your Butt and meet new People or enhance Your Relationships..... But if You keep ignoring it ...It doesnt stop because it knows you are capable of so much          more....It continues to make ...