God uses men to Answer our prayers

Hello Everyone,
Today is a Glorious Day.
It is Glorious because I answered some people's prayers !
Not just me but a whole team
@⁨Lowen⁩  master minded this all(with her sister) and Gathered us(me , Princess , Albert and @⁨Nayiga Denise⁩ plus Mark who wasn't able to join us but he helped scout for the needy homes)
And we were Able to help the Needy in Mbuya.
We took them soap, sugar , cassava Flour , sweets Garlic(that we bought for them on site) , salt and some Old Clothes.
I believe we answered their prayers , those silent prayers God doesn't seem to hear
I wanted to share that I believe when God is blessing us He uses Men, he doesn't need to come down from heaven
He just needs to tap the right people's hearts and then they will "Answer our prayer" so to speak.
God uses men to Answer Prayers ! 

I was feeling down today but the Joy in their faces and the company of my friends made me feel much better !
I can't say thank you enough for an Opportunity to serve ...


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