Episode 1 - The Voice within Script for TEMP
Have You ever felt like there is something inside of You?
Just screaming to be let loose...It constantly reminds of how nasty things are going
It screams all day
and through the night and You often fail to obtain High Quality Rest...
In today's Episode of TEMP....
We shall discover ways of speaking to this voice....But first
i want to thank You as an individual for listening to my Podacast
It means alot to me
:) okay Right to the Good stuff
What exactly is this voice?
The Voice is actually you ...
You have to believe me on this one...
The voice differs from person to person but it brings forth a message that will be constantly repeated till we answer it....
It will constantly tell You how Lonely you are ...How nasty You are
in Hopes that You get off Your Butt and meet new People or enhance Your Relationships.....
But if You keep ignoring it ...It doesnt stop because it knows you are capable of so much more....It continues to make more noise
The more You ignore it....The Louder it gets
And the Louder it gets ...the higher the feelings of Anxiety and depression become....
which is a side effect of ignoring yourself and needs
So what should You do?
Just Listen....the less resistance you give to the voice
the better things get eventually
it will readily tell everything thats wrong with You and You will very vividily know what to change.....
The more you do what it says ..the less bad things it will say about You
"You have bad hair">> counter it with a good Haircut.
"You smell weird">> Counter it with fresh Perfume
There are going to be some things that you wont be able to just counter and remove automatically ..Things that are slighty harder.....
How do you deal with this then?
Prepare to take Massive action... :)
lets say you have Approach Anxiety (and You have listened to the voice and countered some of its statements[they should stop btw] but you still have Anxiety)
Realise that it is Human and very normal to feel uncomfortable doing new things
steeping out of your comfort Zone
its Extremely frightening ....but :) honestly this fear is dry and has nothing under it
Fearing to speak to other human beings :) is normal because we tend at times have this tendency to care about what people think about us or we have had bad experiences
..But am here to tell You that the person(1.428571428571429e-10 of the world's Population)
that gave that negative experience is only one of the 7 billion humans..even its 10(1.428571428571429e-6) even 1000(only 1.428571428571429e-7 thats some insigificant figure)..that gave this very negative situation ...guess what Amazing people get rejected too and they are often too value for the other person that they trigger their insecurities causing them to push them away(You are just too good to be True)
Or You were trying get something from them ..any Relationship you enter should never drain you of your Life energy and you might have been doing just that
Just get that figure of people that hurt you then divide by 7Bn and see what percentage you have experienced from God's Abudance of Humans Placed here on Earth
I know you might be shrugging your shoulders or cursing me but let me myself as an example
I used to close off myself from people when i had developed feelings for one person...and the funny thing is that i didnt receive any of the love i gave out yes ..i was treated like i never even existed ..never acknowledged for a single second
it made me feel Low ...depressed and Unlovable
but now i Live according to the Truth declared by the Creator
He has placed 7Billion of us on Earth so... why should one be given the Power to control us and make us blind to the abundance of Humans Placed on earth?
I have no right to make you blind to the Abundance that God has placed here and neither should you too be blind to it......
I let go of controlling the outcome and trying to pin people down because when someone loves you .....enjoys your company and sees a future with You
In some way they will make time for you
Believe me because i ignored that simple fact! and depresssed myself
and Right now my relationships and my view on relationships has changed instantly and am attracting amazing People who love me and let me be myself
All this can happen to you too because we are both Humans and are capable to manifesting Great abudance when we open up our eyes and hearts to God and let go of the need to control Human beings and make them Love us and appreciate us...... when we do that ,we begin to manifest real healthy Relationships ...we automatically raise our Frequency and Vibration because whatever we are ...we attract .......the amount of wealth....kind of friends ... romantic relationships (notice how i specified on things that we take action towards ..because at a certain frequency all the amount/type of things above enter our lives because they operate at the same frequency/vibration as us)
ik that leaving someone you LOVE is hard..but always ask Yourself ..if You can handle more of this Pain..this silent Torture and this Boiling .......(i couldnt talk about it because i felt like i didnt deserve to talk....like i didnt deserve to be treated Lovingly....day and night i couldn't find peace for i knew i would be left all alone .....and that no one would ever love me better than she could ....Boy oh Boy was i wrong :) it turns they was alot better just around the corner)
Ask yourself if you deserve to be treated the way you are treated(if u deserve calls ...care and time)
Ask Yourself if someone who actively listened to you and wanted to know how to express their care ..would make u happier(if u deserve to be loved in your own special unique way) <This is the ultimate question
If your confidence/sanity is worth it ...then keep at it ...sacrifice it for someone who doesnt care and see how Life will keep Punishing you for that Evil decision(even God wont save You ...You cant stay in a Toxic Relationship and Pray for peace yet God Loves You and Knows you deserve better Treatment so he will leave You to realise that for Yourself) that you have made for yourself.....because i know deep down you know you deserve better but you feel that the love you have rn is what you deserve for whatever reason...and you think this relationship is going to give the love you have always wanted.
But always know This ...You were made by God to be Loved and to express Yourself and thank Him for the amazing Life he has given unto you and that your authentic personality shouldnt be changed to achieve a genuine connection with another human being no matter what people might say(but if you have issues work on them coz you might limit the chances that people will want to continue being in a relationship with You e.g neediness,trust issues,anger)
Now we have talked about the fact that ..that one person has nothing to do with You ....never forget to learn from mistakes ... and the way you realize it is a mistake is if You do it and it yields the same negative results ...there you adjust your approach(again with more action)but be keen on not losing your authentic Personality because thats what truly matters
God put you here to Be yourself
Your Parents brought you here so you can grow into the Human being you were meant to be
Dont be Hard on yourself ..allow yourself to fail
to cry and not feel enough
we all feel low sometimes
but its in only moments like those that we can learn how to be more Happy next time and how to fix our deepest problems....
when you are feeling low
Your bode is trying to show you what is holding you back and once you fix it
It will never Bother you again... and thats what feeling low is supposed to make You do
Not sit down and cry all day
its Time to reflect and see what your body desires
and to also thank God for pushing You this far
Because thats all that TRULY MATTERS
So at the end of the day ...use that negative talk as a guiding tool to show you what needs to be improved and what isnt going on well in Life
And when You empower Yourself and level up to an impressive Level
You will able to slience the voice and say back postive things to it... when its done speaking because You will be of higher value and You will not able to take it seriously
Amazing Guiding Lines to live by:
#Express Yourself fully wholey and Completely
#Love Yourself more than your biggest Adrimer
#Always Remember that God wants you to be Happy and that he Loves You
#Always remind Yourself of the Abundance of Human beings God has gifted to Earth
#Listen to Yourself
Thanks for Tuning in the TEMP
I love You all
and i will see you all in the next episode
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