Episode 2 - The Power of Gratitude script for T.E.M.P

 Hello Guys and welcome back to Timoth's Empowering Podacast

Todays episode is going to be on Gratitude

If you have been reading any Self Development Literature ...You must have stumbled upon the concept and now You are wondering if it works or if you should bother doing it

And yet again :)lemme be your example [ALWAYS]

Gratitude does make You a Brighter individual 


Because it turns your focus away from that which hurts You

You look at what you have and Thank God for providing that

And guess what ,Thats when God gives You more

whenever you wake Up or before you sleep always tell God how much you love the Things he has given You :)

Throughout the day ...go About appreciating what ever it is that you have physical or internal it doesnt really matter 

and as you do is 

Make sure You use alot of Emotion because it is Emotion that creates the change not just thoughts alone 

A thought charged with Emotion and a thought that doesnt will be touched upon differently

The emotional thought will be the one that will be absorbed

when you think you cant make it...you might actually convince yourself that you can 

but when you imagine and feel as though you cant ......You will fail 99.9% of the Time

So take Time each day to write down what you are grateful for

Does it make You Happy?


Is it the only solution to your Trobules NOOO ...it is one of the Greatest Tools you have in your ToolBox as a Effective Human Being

It will make your Brain look at things which bring You Joy

so that  Joy fills your Heart & Mind

thats all it does 

It aint some quick fix to Happiness 

it is a Habit that makes You happier 

as it increases the feelings of Gratitude within you

But for it to work .........You must Use emotion to empower the Thoughts and statements you use to Thank God

Its so easy, just imagine being before him and thanking him for the Things that he gave You (most importantly the ones that bring You Joy)

I wish i was lying when i said God gives more to those who appreciate what they have 

so Each day thank him for just that , eventually some day You will be eventually be Grateful for everything so dont feel guilty for not being as grateful as you should be

You dont have to pretend to be Grateful bcz i know deep down 

You love something so much and You cant hold Back how much you appreciate it 

And with that said take your Time to do it

But always remember No one is Perfect 

There will still be times when You get Low 

and when You feel as though the world is Crashing you

But at that point....You will look at what you are grateful for 

and Will be Happy and Joyful even in a Low period 

You will know that "it will pass too"

and that the Joy u crave will return

I too struggle with being Grateful during Rough Times so dont be too hard on Yourself when you feel Bad inside

always remember that Crops that are supposed to flourish 

    Need rain and sunshine

Abscence of one will lead to a defiency 

and abnormal Growth of the crop

Humans are No different 

we need sad moments and happy moments 

to truly grow

Because the only reason you feel low

is bcz you have ever been High 

so forgive yourself

dont beat Yourself up to death in your head

Realise that the Pain you are going through is here to teach how to conduct Yourself in a better way

Be Grateful for the Rain 

Idk what you might be going through 

You might be going thru something worse than all my trobuled years combined

And i cant possibly know what Your specific  Pain is 

But i know what it feels like to be stuck(even sometimes i feel stuck  at times)

as if i have no way to move on but i move out of the rabbit Hole, i [99%] of the time make for myself so just know you arent the Only Human being going through Pain

ALL of us have been through some thing heavy or going through it

Dont lose Hope

Green grass lies ahead 

stop now  You will never reach the lands you deserve to be at 

since we dont know the future....we only live in the present thats all that we can do

It sounds cliche but sometimes thats what we all need to hear including me myself

i also at times forget the gifts that God has given me

or even the talents he blessed me with

and i also at times fail the appreciate the people who love me

But  You will be able to emerge from your Hurting Period and appreciate what God has Blessed You with 

But always remember this : 

You are Valuable and God Loves You

I love You even though

i have never seen you 

or will ever see u

I love You because God Made You perfectly and only wishes that u could realize that

and hopefully through me 

You will realise that Truth

;)Also another thing you should be thankful for  is your Past 

if you had no Past

you would never be here in the present or have any hopes of the Future

The Past is here to Teach us not to torment us

People say the Past is Gone thats true and all

but it has had an effect on You

so take your Time to forgive Yourself because in Your Past

you didnt know any better 

All you knew is what you did 

so dont beat yourself up for that

In your Past

accept your mistakes

in the Present 

accept your Imprefections

and believe That You can Create a Magnificent Future

I am not going to lie to you ...i didnt know how i was going to make this episode but it has been one of my best ones yet 








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