Choosing Love in a World of Hate

Hello Friends, 
It's been a while since I have written here.
I got a thought in my spirit that I would like to share.

❤️ *Choosing love in a world of Hate*
It's so easy to get bitter
Pay them back
Wish the worst upon those Who hurt you but I challenge each and everyone here(including myself) to live a Life driven by Love❤️

A life driven by Love looks like a life that is in service of another 
A life like Christ ....
In my opinion , it's a purpose driven Life ...We are all called to serve in our Different Walks of life 
As humans , we are built to help one another 
We are wired to serve one another in one way or another
I believe when Love Becomes the centre of your life
The peace of God can start to dwell there
You let go of offences and go on by your day knowing that Bad things happen from time to time and it definitely has nothing to do with you
I hope never to seem like I am saying "Forgive the person and accept abuse" 
I don't stand for enduring abuse and bad treatment as if you are worthless
Child of God , you aren't worthless
You belong to the Most High God , You are blessed and Gifted !
You are worthy of respectful treatment
That's not necessarily a Love driven life ... You should believe you have worth and others have worth too
When love dwells in you , it dwells for you and others 
You love yourself and others !
Yes , there are times you might have to endure Suffering but it's wise to be Careful with who you are trusting... Forgive the offence , let go of the hurt but let your trust be earned back .

I ,too struggle with making Love & Peace the central emotion of my life
I also get bitter
Remember hurts but I got a thought that hit so different 
I couldn't help but formulate a message !

We can decide to grow in either two roads 
The road of love 
Or the Road of Bitterness 
You can decide to learn better ways of loving yourself and others and also Practice such Behaviours or you can decide to be bitter, keep hurts , keep a list of "did me wrongs" 
The choice is in your hands 
The ball is in your court
You weren't done well but you aren't helping yourself by holding the offence and you definitely aren't helping the other person either !
You are hurting yourself and you don't know it
The thoughts of how you were done wrong are causing your brain to release stress chemicals which over time erode your Immune system and just mess up you feeling good and when you are soo Tanked up in resentment 
You are going to start think foolishly about almost anything.

Anger is a tricky emotion
It causes you to do harm but blinds you to see how dangerous it really is
So don't be careful with your anger and don't allow it to cause you to sin.
I have also decided to say to myself a certain statement "Regardless of how inhumane you are , I choose to see a human being in you."
I choose to let go of the hurt 
and to move on with my life moving farther away from the pain and towards the peace that is promised in each new day that comes.
But like I said , Forgive and stop thinking negative thoughts , Let it go but Let your trust be earned 
You can decide never to trust that person again or have them gain it 
It's up to you
But Forgiveness has to happen
You have to unchain yourself from the Bondage of resentment
The bible says "Forgive(not thinking angry and bitter thoughts towards the person who did you wrong)" 
It never said "Trust them again"
Trust is earned and it depends on the offence 
Some offences can cost your trust and that's okay
Some can hurt but give room to the growth of trust again , which is also okay
The Ball is in your court there !
The Bible says "The wise see trouble and flee from it"
So when you see trouble , Distance yourself and the concerned parties away from it.
When you discover someone is potential danger , Keep distance also !

Forgive , Heal and begin to believe that you can trust the people who deserve your trust !

❤️Have a blessed day,
Child of God


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