God made you to Love you

Hello Friends,
I hope everything in your life is going as planned and that you are growing in love and in faith each day...
I would to share something personal about this ministry
This ministry has been heavily Inspired by Pastor Rick of Saddleback Church.
I learnt about his way of life and thought pattern from Purpose Driven Life ( A great book that he released ages ago that is still relevant today)

Most of what I teach is what I have learnt from Him
I learnt that God loves us so deeply in every venture of our lives not only when we are doing Religious/spiritual things 
He loves to see us do the things we are designed to do
When he sees us use our analytical skills , athletic abilities etc
He feels happy 
Because he designed you to do that.

Programmers in here can hopefully relate 💙
When you make something and it does what you made it to do and then it also ends up being a better project with time 
There is that unexplainable joy you feel 🔥
This is kinda of what God feels when we do what we were made for.
God loves everything about you
He didn't miss anything
He made you perfectly
Accept this truth and Begin to appreciate your Unique build ...
As you appreciate God's masterpiece(You) more and more , your insecurities will melt like Butter in the hot sun ❤️🔥

The core of Today's message is *"The purpose of your Life is to be loved by God"* ❤️
God made you to love you
He made you to bless you
He made you because he loved you
In the very beginning , you were made so that God could love you
He loved you before you loved him
A large part of getting closer to God is just understanding the Love God has for you 
And *Accepting* it
You can know that he loves you but have you accepted he can love you and loves you?
You with your imperfections.

Think about the ways God has loved you and pardoned you
And Accept God's love for you
Sink it deep into your heart
That the unseen creator is for you 👏🏼
The greatest Force on Earth is fighting your battles 🔥

You were made by God to be loved and appreciated by him
Good day to you,
God's Masterpiece🔥


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