Great Collections of Devotions
Great God Insights
Here I will write Great Writings on God’s Thoughts.
Fasting is meant to drive out doubt and unlock faith in us.
The only way to overcome this unbelief that comes through our senses is to deny our senses through prayer & fasting.
2.How God Answers Prayers
It’s a mistake to just pray and then wait on God to rain money down from Heaven.
God uses Men to give Finances to us.
He can do it in a very unexpected and supernatural way but it will involve people and existing currency.
We need to believe that the LORD hears and Answers our prayers and then pray for the people , He’s going to use to deliver the Answer.
3. Humility
Children are Humble not self-less, they come into the world self-centred and parents are to train them to do away with their self-centredness.
Pride is self-sufficiency and self-exaltation.
Humility is Self-denial and Dependence on God.
4. God wanted to save Us
God didn’t just pity us or feel some sense of moral obligation to save us.
He saved us because of His Infinite Love for us.
God Loves people and also those who are astray.
5. Forgive because of what Christ did for you
We should remember how God very much loved us and forgave us and then we do the same to others !
We should have compassion on others as Christ had on us.
Any debt that could be owed to us is insignificant compared to the debt we were forgiven.
The Forgiveness that we have received from the LORD is infinitely greater than any Forgiveness we could ever be asked to extend to others.
6. Knowing Christ
There is a difference between knowing about someone and really knowing him.
Many People know about Jesus but if we don’t personally experience knowing Jesus , they are not saved.
7. True Justification with God
Faith Alone in the Love of God as expressed through Jesus is the only thing that God demands for Justification.
Good Acts and all don’t lead to Salvation , only being Born-again does.
Yes , we must act in love and Good Cheer but the only thing that God values is accepting Christ as our LORD and Personal Saviour , We can’t add up through actions to be righteous before God.
The Jewish Priests were righteous in their actions but had hearts filled with darkness for they didn’t accept or acknowledge God’s love in their hearts , it was in fact why they killed Jesus, their hearts were filled with darkness but their bodies were “pure” according to the law(observing the fast, the 10 commandments e.t.c.)
8. The Fruits of the Holy Spirit(The Character of the Holy Spirit)
Long Suffering
9. God’s will to save us
Jesus’ Ministry and message placed him in direct opposition to the devil and his followers.
Their hatred for Jesus caused them(out of their free will)to Crucify Jesus .
God in all wisdom simply knew what man would do and he determined to use their rejection of his son to accomplish his will.
He never controls our will to accomplish his.
10. True Freedom
We are either servants of God through obedience or servants of Devil through sin.
Jesus is likening the bondage of sin to that slavery while comparing the freedom that comes through serving God to being a Beloved son.
No one would doubt that being a son is better than being a slave.
Likewise , obeying God is better than yielding to sin.
True freedom is found only in serving God.
There is false freedom that Satan has been promoting since the Garden of Eden , He has deceived all of us at one time or another thinking that God is a tyrant who doesn’t want us to enjoy life and consequently has told us not to do certain things because we believe this lie , we disobey God (we sin) in the name of freedom but the wages for sin is Death.
The only freedom is found in Jesus - Jesus not only dealt with the original sin that contaminated the human race but he also dealt with each individual act of sin. Even if an individual could stop all sinning , he could not change his sin nature with which he was born , that’s why we must be born-again.
Anyone who is saved through Faith in Jesus is now Abraham’s seed and on heir according to the promise.
11. Man is sinful by nature
Our sins don’t corrupt our natures but our corrupt natures make us sin.
That’s why we must be Born-again and become new creatures in Christ.
12. Fruits of Salvation
The Fruits of Salvation become visible to the degree at which we renew our minds with God’s WORD.
13. You are Blessed !
God’s Curses have been placed on Jesus and removed from those who accept Jesus’s Sacrifice -- You are Blessed !
14. True Confidence and Security
Its our security in the LORD’S love for us that gives us the strength to face rejection from others.
The antidote for fear of men is a large dose of God’s Love !
15. Acid Test for God’s Servants
The Acid-Test of whether someone is of God is by their Actions.
16. Seek Knowledge Wisely
We should learn what we can but we must make our knowledge a servant of Love.
If anyone’s quest for knowledge leads him away from knowing God then it would have been preferable for him to stay ignorant.
17. God’s Voice
Although God has spoken and still does speak in an audible voice at times , very few people experience this.
God speaks to your inner person(spirit) and he hears Him.
If we will change our thinking so that we believe what God says in his WORD about who we are and what we have then this agreement between our spirits and souls forms a majority and our flesh will experience the life of God that has been deposited in our spirits.
Prayer , Bible study , fasting and Fellowship are ways of refocusing our mind’s attention away from the voice of this World and back to the voice of our shepherd who is constantly communicating to our spirits.
18. Attaining Life as God intended it to be
Everyone who is breathing has life in the sense of physical existence but only those who receive Jesus can experience life as God intended it to be.
Jesus came to not only save us from the torment of eternal hell but to give us God-Like Life of Abundance.
The life of God is not awaiting us in Heaven but is presently possessed by every born-again person in his person in his supernatural life.
When we line our thoughts, emotions and actions up with the instructions of God’s word then we will manifest This God-Like Life.
The WORD is spiritual and must be understood through the spirit.
The Bible is Simply a physical Representation of Jesus and spiritual Truth.
If we want to know what spiritual truth is , we must believe the Bible , for it is spirit and life.
If we want to hear from the spirit of God then we must listen to what God says in his WORD.
Jesus came not to destroy men’s lives but to save them.
19. Argument about Christ is Pointless.
It is Possible to win a theological battle and yet lose the war for a person’s heart.
Arguments over points of theology often deviate from the more important issues.
20. Persecution is part of Christian Life.
Persecution is part of the cost of living a Christian Life.
It helps to recognize that it is not You they are persecuting but rather Christ living in You.
You are actually becoming partaker of his Sufferings and will share his rewards.
21. True Peace
Peace is the result of casting our troubles upon the LORD through prayer & Thanksgiving.
Many people ask God to give them peace so that their troubles leave , it doesn’t work like that !
Christians who lack God’s Lack Peace have not taken their cares to the LORD and left them there.
No One who seeks to obtain right standing with God by his efforts will ever have God’s peace.
Human peace is only experienced in the Absence of Problems.
God’s peace is independent of circumstances and is infinitely greater in supply than any problem we could have.
22. Understanding Temptations
There are no unique temptations.The devil likes to make us think that they are. If he can Convince us that no one understands, no one has ever had this problem before then he can isolate us and take away our hope but every temptation we face is just some variation of the same old thing. It may come in a different sized box, be wrapped in a different paper and have a different bow but the contents are the same.
Part of Jesus’ Ministry is to specifically aid us in overcoming temptation.
The LORD promised that He would not allow us to be tempted above what we are able to bear.
So at those times when you can’t stand another minute , stand 2 and this promise will pull you through.
23. Power in Jesus’ Name.
It was the power in the name of Jesus’ name plus the disciple’s faith in that power that made the demons subject unto them.
24. Helping Others
We should take advantage of the opportunities we have , just because we cant help everyone is no excuse not to help anyone !
Jesus defined a neighbour as any fellow human being that crosses our path and is in need of assistance.
Jesus made it clear that you could not define “neighbour” on the basis of Geographic origin or Your familiarity with Someone.
A neighbour is anyone God puts in your path.
25. God is not only capable of helping You but is willing to help You !
Relatively few people doubt God’s ability but doubt God’s willingness to use his ability on their behalf.
The LORD doesn’t just tolerate us. He Loves us !
26. True Saving(Following the Law or Believing in Salvation through Jesus Christ)
Those who seek to earn righteousness through keeping the law are consumed with “doing” while those who receive righteousness by faith are simply confessing what has already been done.
If we are still “doing” acts of holiness to get God to move in our lives then we are still operating under the “Law” mentality that is not based on Faith.
When we simply believe and confess what has already been provided through Christ , That’s grace.
A person under the law & a person under Grace should have similar acts of holiness but their motives should be completely opposite.
The motives of a person under the Law are to be righteous before God through actions , A person under Grace and Faith desires to share the love and peace Christ gave to them and his attention is on what God has already done for him(that’s why he acts in a righteous way ! not necessarily to be acceptable before God , he already believes he is but He desires to share the Overflow of love in his Heart and his Heart mediates upon the things Christ has done for him).
Live under Grace not Justification by Actions.
The Pharisee’s error that caused Jesus’ rebuke was that they believed their actions could produce a right relationship with God.
A proper relationship with God can only come by humbling ourselves and putting faith in the Saviour who is Jesus Christ.
27. Change in a Man’s Heart
A Good Heart will change a man’s actions but a man’s actions can’t change his heart.
28. Insights on Repentance
God very much loved us that he stepped down from his Glory to be despised and attacked by man(his own creation) to save us.
God is not willing that anyone should perish but that all should come to repentance.
Faith in Jesus’ Goodness is what saves us not our goodness.
Salvation is having a personal relationship with God.
We cannot approach God in self-righteousness but we have to humble ourselves , put all our faith in a saviour and turn away our wicked ways.
Repentance is simply a change of mind accompanied by corresponding actions.
People should feel bad about sin which then leads them to repent just like in the story of the Prodigal son.
29. Interesting Insight on The Prodigal son
Our heavenly father is longing to cleanse and receive the sinner if we will just repent and come to him for forgiveness.
Jesus was using the story of the prodigal son to rebuke The Pharisees for their harsh , self-righteous , unforgiving attitude towards sinners.
The elder brother was the symbol of the Pharisees .
The Pharisees had not lived an outward life of rebellion and they thought that others who didn’t measure up to their standards were surely hated by God.
Just as the elder brother was self-centred and jealous , The Pharisees were not operating in the love of God towards sinners because they were so in love with themselves.
They resented Jesus giving sinners what they thought they deserved.
The scribes and Pharisees like the elder brother had gotten caught up in serving self through their religious actions.
The publicans and sinners who repented were supplying their father with what He really wanted -- A relationship !
30. Looking At People differently
How can we esteem people better than ourselves when we really think we are better than them ?
We need to recognize that our accomplishments don’t make us better than others.
There is a difference between who we are and what we do.
A classic example of this is found in the Pharisees of Jesus’ Time , they did all the right things for all the wrong reasons because on the inside they were corrupt.
31. Give God his Battle back !
God takes persecution of his followers personally !
Striving to vindicate self actually shows a lack of faith in God keeping his promise- “Vengeance is mine !”
32. Authority in Real Problems
Don’t Deny that problems exist , just deny those problems the right to continue to exist in your life by confessing your faith in God.
33. Correction from God
God convicts us of sin but he doesn’t condemn us.
Conviction is solely for profit with no malice while condemnation involves punishment !
Satan is the one who condemns the Christian but the Holy Spirit has given us the power to escape that condemnation.
The way God convicts a believer is through the inner ministry of the Holy Spirit .This is always done in a positive manner that encourages us to turn away from sin rather than the negative way of condemning us for having committed the sin.
A Christian who still walks in condemnation is being condemned by the devil or himself.
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