Prepare your Heart and Mind for blessings

Hello Everyone,
Hope all is well and Everything in your life is going as planned.
I desire to share something i discovered a while back when i was trying to get my thinking better....
I believe it will profit someone either by answering their prayer entirely or Offering them , the piece that will lead to their prayer.

Prepare your Heart and mind For Blessings.
Many times , we tend to want to pray our problems away without fully understanding them and truly understanding the lesson God might want to teach us through them.
We wish we could pray the pain away 
The worries , the insecurities , the doubts etc
Yes , You can pray sometimes and feel a deep sense of relief but sometimes you can pray , cry and still feel hurt !
You might even begin to think God doesn't care about your struggles yet he really does but he would rather have you learn from this Pain you are experiencing so sometimes he might appear silent to your prayers.

So i intend to give you a more fruitful Perspective on problems that tend to Disturb our internal worlds...
Ever been there and problem after problem hits you and before you get time to relax , a major responsibility like An exam comes up and you get even more overwhelmed
You might even make lists of these problems
But at the core of these problems is really this : "You don't really believe in Yourself(You hold Negative Truths about Yourself)." And this disbelief in self can spawn you effects like anxiety and low self esteem.
I believe to solve most of our problems we really need to shut out the noise and get into agreement with what God says about us...
He says "We are heads and not tails" , "We are more than Conquerors" and so many great things
We are to make this our truth and replace our old negative truths.
The problem is to a good extent, not getting into agreement with what God says about us.
Some problems can come up to teach you how to be strong and how to strengthen others , they can seem too overwhelming but when you get past them , someone else will be glad they met someone with your expertise on the problem.
So don't give up on trying to learn what problem is teaching you and don't allow this problem to turn you bitter , allow this Struggle to teach you to depend on God fully.
And sometimes, we pray before we have learnt the lessons we needed to learn so the problem doesn't seem to go away because once we learn it , it will never surface again ....

There was one day, i remember i had gotten over my depressing thoughts and worries but deep down , i looked back and i was empty, i had nothing left inside of me.
My life was so built around the worries that i had no room for blessings
I got to see it that evening and i hope to show it to you that , when you begin to heal past emotional troubles you need to align yourself up for blessings and peace
You can't just clear up the dirt and just leave the room open , the old dust might creep in or new dust will form 
You need to accept that you deserve Blessings and health
You need to believe God wants to see you happy.
Only and only when you clean your mind and prepare it for God's blessings can you truly receive from the lord(or recognise when he has sent your blessing because negative thinking can block you from seeing that he has answered you) !
Which Loving Father wouldn't desire to see his children Happy and Glorious ?
God desires to see you happy and Fruitful.

Make A new style of prayer , Ask God what he is teaching you through your struggles.
Don't just pray for comfort , pray so that you can learn what your struggle is teaching you.

Whenever you look at a challenge you face, ask yourself ... 
How can this Pull me closer to God ?
How can i learn to Depend on God more ?
How can i learn from this ?
How can this overwhelming task be of service to someone later on ?


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