Thinking Like Christ Series 1: Be People Centred

Many Legends in the Bible were People-Centred and were quite confident.
It takes a lot more confidence and strength to be People-Centred than Self-Centred.
It takes more Gut to uphold another above yourself yet still believe in yourself.
We tell ourselves many times that upholding another is a sign you feel inadequate but actually I think otherwise , I think we are only truly able to esteem others when we have true esteem in ourselves.
 Jesus was People-Centred and St.Paul, one of our greatest Emulators was People-Centred Too.
Jesus never Thought about himself before he thought of others , He regarded them more important than himself.
Now he was only able to think this way because he knew who he truly was and his purpose in life !
He didn’t disbelieve in himself , his Great belief in self enabled him to be a rock to uphold us , a solid foundation to stand on ! He didn’t feel like he was worthless , he had his worth catered for so he could devote his life to being a servant.
The Greatest leaders place the team before themselves and regard themselves as a rock for the team they serve.
A building is worthless without a foundation , Great leaders know this and establish themselves well to support their team in a effective and productive manner that eventually gets the Job Done.
   When you become People-Centred, You actually start feel considerably less pain because you stop being selfish and thinking everything is about you and only Good things should be said about You.\
You think about why they could have done it to you and not really what they did !
You are more concerned with how they feel and less of how you feel !
Not that you hate yourself but You value their opinion too.
When you become People-Centred, You leave a life of nourishment and enter a life of service , You are no longer looking out for self but for another because you desire to see the good in others.
We have all tried thinking about only ourselves hoping to attain peace of mind and see the gifts of it -Feeling let down and Hurt because we think so much about ourselves.
In Conclusion , Becoming People-Centred doesn’t mean Looking down on Yourself to uphold another …..If you tried that with a low self esteem, I can almost 100% guarantee you that you are setting yourself up for hurts doomed to crush because this World can be really bad to Good and Beautiful souls…
Develop a Healthy self-esteem not pride on Your Appearance,Gifts ,Talents and Your Spirituality.
See for yourself how attractive you are ,see how wonderfully and fearfully you were made , Get Gladdened by your unique gifts and talents ,these are the Gifts God has placed under you and see that you use them to serve him and others.
Basically , Count your blessings !
Never esteem yourself above anyone because we are all the same regardless of what we do , earn , accomplish. 
We are all God’s Children , we aren't above anyone else .Even as Christians , we aren't better than atheists , yes , we have the key to the riches of life through Christ Jesus but we are not to boast but to extend our love to them so they can see the goodness of Christianity.
A beggar and Billionaire are the same , the only thing that separates them is what they own externally.
The beggar probably has one heart , one brain and one liver and so does the other man.
We are all Gifted differently, why should we admire what someone has ? and has probably worked for … Most esteem issues come from comparison , we feel inadequate just because they are taller , they are that or that but maybe they worked for it or maybe you need to develop esteem in your own strengths and not focus on comparing yourself with them for “evaluation”.
Thinking about self reminds us of hurts, evokes pride and limits our potential.
Thinking of others voids our Perceived hurts , Humbles us and surpasses our limits and increases our potential.
 Have a Beautiful day , Thank you for Reading :) .


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