Thinking Like Christ Series 3 : Bringing People to Christ

When you first meet God and Love him , You think about him a lot like the time you probably got your first love <3 He’s always in your thoughts and Mind then as you move around, You meet someone say “God is not Great” now that stings , You feel offended and you take it personal and of course You stand up for God only to have an argument with this fellow and both of You are frustrated , some what resentful and none of you have Grown so because of this argument where the person failed to see how Great your God is , you go to get friends to pump you up on your thoughts on Christ , Validate you , Tell you , you are the right one in the argument and yes , You feel better about Yourself and this non-believer but You clearly feel the Negative impact of that argument. 
  Does this sound like you ?
It was me !
I never knew God for a while until I got enlightened about having a personal relationship with God but when I got to know him better, I got this sense of pride feeling above others , better than them and being in a group of the only enlightened human beings.
I felt greatly disturbed when I met non-believers speak “so stupidly” about how they didn’t see any value in God forgetting how I used to speak and be defensive whenever People brought Christ to me.
But now , I stand in a better confidence , understanding and love in Christ …. I accept where people are and do not wish to make people think exactly like me, I desire them to learn my thinking and then apply it in their unique situations , I wish to make it a great stepping stone to Christ that leads them to a new personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
I hold how I think about Christ and am okay with everyone thinking in whatever way they choose. I say this with total acceptance and love unlike before I said it but still had a heavy heart.
I would be a liar doomed to Hell if I didn’t say I desire everyone to love Christ and adopt his peculiar style of thinking for it brings Peace, love and Harmony… I wish to be like Christ so people of all kinds can admire my Character and then discover it’s Christ living through me so that they can come and join in on the Goodness of Christianity.
That’s how I desire to win more souls over to Christ !
I desire that everyone develops a personal relationship with Christ and depends on him and not any other minister but in Christ himself.
I believe as Christians , its our role to show everyone who our master really is, to show what our God can do with the visible evidence in our lives , to love in a unique fashion(Undeserving and Unconditional) The way we love as Christians should be a different and unique love !
If You are bringing someone to Christ and You are feeling Frustrated or frustrating the other person , You are not winning them over with Love which our Master instructed us to live by …You are “winning” them over with fear or frustration and that’s not the right way to win more souls to Christ.Whenever you condemn someone out of Fear , pride(Thinking You know better) because they don’t support Christianity , You are Portraying a bad image of our master….Now I understand that feeling of frustration but make sure when it builds up , You decide not to act on it but instead continue to display Love !
When winning them over , Let the love Christ has shown you be the selling point to this person ….. so they can see that they might do better with Christ than where they stand without him.
Be a Great Example of a Christian , Rich in Love , Humbled in Spirit , Cheerful smile and warm-hearted <3.
Let this Pull them !
However if he still doesn’t decide to join , its okay….Give Praises to the Good Lord for giving you a chance to talk about him , Bless the Fellow and Mention him in your prayers asking God to show this Lad how much he loves him.
Talk about the Great things in store for those who love the LORD but remind them that these rewards are released from God at his timing and at times, they come in ordinary shapes not Glory & Rainbows so that they don’t get dis-encouraged while pursuing a spiritual Journey with Christ .
Speak less of punishments and Curses but emphasize punishment are not to kill but to reform and that these moments come less than God’s Hugs, Fist Bumps and Kisses
Speak about what God says about People and share what he thinks about his children and those who choose to believe in him…
Talk about the Parable of Lost Sheep - How a shepherd looks for that one sheep and leaves his 99 sheep alone so he can get this one sheep until he gets it and rejoices in his heart when he gets it and even sets up a feast after getting it again
Make them understand this is how God views their Return / Arrival and this is how God truly feels when we make a true step towards him.
I think before we start spreading Christ , we need to know Christ personally , have his Goodness manifested in our personal lives and have a steady understanding of him so that we can spread Christ based on personal experience with great depth not assumptions and false promises so to be a great evangelist , you need to grow your relationship with God.
And also hold Yourself Accountable !
“The name of Lord is Blasphemed among the Gentiles because of the Jews”
I do try to keep myself accountable in realistic measures to be a great example to others and represent Christ in everything I do.
We can’t preach yet we don’t practice what we preach. We cant say we are workers of love and then act out of pure hate the next day , We all have weaknesses , yes and the Holy spirit helps us and teaches us better ways of conducts but we are to keep aware that we might indirectly be causing the non-believers to stay that way because we conduct ourselves contrary to what we say we do.
We should reform ourselves and stand out from the crowd because they will not see Jesus but they will see how we conduct ourselves and then come up with a conclusion about Christianity so let’s do better for we are his ambassadors.
I personally have weaknesses that I wish didn’t I have but now I desire to have God transform them into strength for others…. I know he is supporting me and guiding my path and teaching me how to accept myself , love myself and how to think Big and Positively so I boast of having weaknesses and know he is my Strength.
Likewise You have some weaknesses you have to submit To Christ and walk a Journey of Transformation, Do not Condemn Yourself for those weaknesses ..Submit To God , He made You ….He will shock you with the Great things he will do for you with your “imperfections” 


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