Trusting In God

Hello  Friends,
I hope you are enjoying the Beautiful Day the Lord has given us today ❤️
We are to rejoice and be Glad in it.

Today's message is on *Trusting God*
I need to be Honest , Trusting God is kinda like a skill because it takes time to really trust God has got your back.

You need to remind yourself to stop fighting and just be still  so the Lord can do his work(Psalms 46:10)

You also need to Stand your ground and see how the Lord will fight for you without you having to do anything(Exodus 14:13-14)

For me personally, my Struggle has been Fear and Expecting the worst
Even when things would look alright
I would be scared of how Bad things will eventually Become so I wouldn't feel at ease and at peace 
But I reminded myself of Exodus 14:14 which says " The Lord will Fight for me and i don't need to do Anything."
And it did help me calm down my Anxiety ❤️

I take God by his word , I believe he will be faithful to his word so he will do what I ask him to do for me and  that's how I have grown to trust him and invite into everything I do

I also know that if he refuses something from happening , it's for my Good he only wants what is Best for me (Romans 8:28) He also knows all my needs and he obviously wants to provide for me so why worry as if He doesn't know or doesn't want what is best for me ?(Luke 6:30) 
So I have learnt to trust he will only avail the best for me because there have been times I have wanted something but after a while I saw how harmful they could have been then I Thank the Lord I hadn't put myself there
So I trust in the Lord also because I know He loves me and wants the Best for me so I am safe in his hands and it Makes me feel calm when the tension begins to raise up

How about you ! , How did/do you develop your Trust in God ?


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