Keeping our eyes Focused on what's truly Precious By Holy Diva
Good evening to all of you hope your day was well spent ❤️.
I would love to teach about something.
I want to teach about something good and something precious.
Yes, these are two different words. Good things maybe regarded as money, good clothes, good houses e.t.c
But something that is precious is something that is very important for example like having a strong relationship with the holy Spirit and living a Godly manner of God (righteousness).
When we have good things in our lives as listed, God has no problem with it infact he fills happy when we are happy.
But what can it be the use of us having good things in our lives when we don't have something that is precious.
You may have all good things but if u don't have what is precious u will still lose it.
That's why their are very many pipo God has blessed with good things but when they set their eyes on the good things, they end up losing all.
Luke 12:15 says;
And he went on to say to them all, "Watch out and guard yourselves from every kind of greed; because a person's true life is not made up of the things he owns, no matter how rich he may be”
So let's value something precious so as we may be able to use the good things valuable😊
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