
It's amazing how many Good things have happened to me
Yet I 😂find a way to Get tense over the few bad things that disturbed me during the year
Next year ... As 2023 ends,
Let all of us 🤣 expose how amazing 2023 has been to us
As time goes as I get wiser and I grow older....
I am learning that
Just because I am afraid and I'm insecure
It doesn't mean I can't do something
It doesn't mean I can't move forward
It doesn't mean I should stop and fight with it until it goes away
I can still live my life very well even with a bag load of worries
, I can still be happy even though Things aren't looking so good.

It is possible and waiting for everything to be perfect will have me waiting forever
In Jesus' power
I can move against my fears
In his name, I can order Problems to Go and they obey
In his name , I can find peace and shelter from all my storms
Something I have learnt from Healing is that it never truly happens over night and it should take time to occur.

Those who think it can
Just know how to plaster wounds 
A real wound can't just be covered , it can actually get worse
So it takes time to heal.

An example could be , 
Healing from depression 
How can you start feeling better if you still see things the same way ?
How can you start feeling low if you currently don't see anything worth while in your life ?
Over time , you see your value behind the stresses of life
With time , you start to realise it wasn't your fault that it happened 
You also learn to stop beating yourself for making silly mistakes
We all do !
And if we ever refuse ourselves from Failing we refuse ourselves from Growing
(We all know the classic examples , the owner of KFC , harry potter books etc)

😂 this is for you all and for me too , I also need to remind myself to be kind to me when things don't go well and keep moving forward


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