Worry never helps

Worry never Helps
It only gives us the illusion that we can edit our future Possibilities🪄
But really it never helps

Worry is fearful thinking
It is thinking that you will be put to a disadvantage and Abandoned by God

But God will Never abandon nor foresake you
He will always be with you❤️

You aren't an orphan ,
You have a spiritual Father who will provide everything for you
We all have some worries and concerns but as you remind yourself that you have been given all you need
Such will melt !

You will realize you have the Best Looks to attract a mate.

You will realise you have the training or able to acquire the training you nerd to do God's work.

You will also know that God takes care of your loved ones

No need to worry
😮‍💨Just breathe and be calm
God is doing the most and the best for you

🤣 I can personally say i was naturally a worrier .
I would Think about future negative outcomes and find myself stuck 
But with Time , it is decreasing 
 I am accepting in my heart that God will sustain me ,
 God will give me everything I need , 
I Never have to fight for what Belongs to me, if God placed my name on it , there is no way it is Going to leave me ! It simply can't !
I have all I need to go ahead in life
I don't need a different body
A different personality
A different style
😂 I am already equipped with all I need

So you too ☺️ sit back and ask yourself if worry or Getting tense about your design is getting you anywhere


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