Make each day Count


Hello Friends , I hope you are doing well.

Today i want to talk about something that can definitely help you ...
It is *Make each day count*
I believe we should all by now have Goals and places we want to step into it
Dreams in our hearts , People who inspire us.
If for some reason, you don't yet
You need to get out there and find out what is Good for you , You will find it if you put yourself out there.
You won't find out your hidden gifts locked up in your room scrolling to tik tok and Doing house chores only.

You will find it by exposing yourself to Different people , environments and Content.
Trust me as you do this , You will be propelled to start something new , Something will tick for you and you will connect with it.
But above all, Ask the Holy spirit to guide you and show you what is best for you and if you pray such prayers , God will answer them by availing opportunities to learn the activity, a certain desire for a certain activity
But all in all, He will place a road for you ( i have learnt this from experience) where you will walk on as you approach the thing and though you meet all kinds of boulders , something inside of you will keep pushing you to find a way through it.
For example , something inside of me refuses to quit while i do my workouts , there is something inside of me that keeps on showing up though i am going to meet the same pain over and over again
Yet for other people when they meet this rock, they turn back and go back to their lives
And when i meet difficulties in some other things , i might also turn away -- i hope this makes sense as i show you how i am learning about my design
( so this is kind of how you discern God's calls)

Make every day count , Don't just go through the day dragging yourself
Aim to learn something new
Learn something you never knew Yesterday
Discover God a better way
Listen to a sermon each day
I am sure the idea is now home !
As you do this , Keep track of your progress
Make objectives for example i want to read 20 pages in book x or maybe i want to listen to this sermon so you can understand God better and love him more and more.
Something step by step that leads you to achieving a short term or long term Goal .
Work with The holy spirit, he is supposed to be by your side , you are to walk with him so that he makes your life better , that's how i have seen God work in life.

I will end this with a few questions,
Do you know what you want to make your life about ?
Do you have your goals written down ?
Do you have objectives that will help you achieve these goals ?
Did you do your best today ?

Shalom , Stay Hard and Remember to make each day count , We need you to make Africa
Don't give up for praying and believing for revival
Don't give up working on your dreams and Goals and keep pushing , Be firm and the Lord will Bless the work of your hands


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