My current understanding of Spiritual warfare


Hello everyone , hope you all well.

It has been a circus of events for me this year but by the Grace of God , I stand !

Today, I'm going to teach about Spiritual warfare.

Some problems can't be solved in the physical world but only in the Spiritual world.

A case of this includes Demonic attacks or oppression , you can't slap or hit a demon 

You can only by the spirit fight it using the word of God

The Bible describes the word as A sword , a weapon of warfare that is used to destroy the strongholds or even the demonic entities bothering your life.

There are the other aspects of the Armour of God ( you should look into it in Ephesians 6:10-20) so that you can get an image of a warrior going to battle but this time not against people but against evil powers.

You fight by Believing and confessing that word that you have believed , it makes your spirit strong against the devil and all his agents.

When the devil comes and sees you have the word , he will attack you so that you can fall.

the Bible Says resist him and he shall flee.

That means he actually comes to attack you but if you resist him( basically fight him) he will flee and again , he isn't a Physical being but a spiritual being so don't expect to wrestle with him or get into a boxing match with Lucifier.

He shall flee from you just like he did with Jesus when with the Word , you defend yourself and attack him.

He comes to check if you know who you are in Christ, the power available to you and if your weaknesses can make you stumble because it is possible to be powerful in the spirit but still fall because of a weakness of yours for example David , Solomon , they fell because they failed to stop their weaknesses from prevailing over them.

You can be a deep man of God or even Woman of God but if you have a certain weakness ,when the Devil realises this , he will use it

For example Lust, he might send a temptation(an agent or a thought) and when you submit to it, you might end up frustrating God's plan in your life or Open up yourself to more disaster so continue to ask God to help you so that there is no room for darkness to enter.

Another thing i have understood by experience is that God can't let you be attacked by something you can't handle

Whenever you wonder how strong God thinks you are , look at what is Attacking you , God will always give you a weight that is heavy so that you can get strong but at the same time , it won't be heavy that you can't carry and even still , he will be there to make you believe you can Handle what he knows you can ( instead of brushing you off and saying "Go figure it out, you wimp" , the Lord sits by you and makes you believe over time that you can handle it.

The Devil is a very interesting foe , he makes us strong by overcoming his attacks , you get stronger and better.

His Voice ,which must people wish to get rid of can actually push you to change your situation if you view it the right way,(this is my personal opinion , it is still new and subject to change though) for example He calls you Unworthy , if it hurts you, it might be signalling that you indeed need to know your worth in Christ or develop yourself in a certain area , use this voice as fuel to be better so that when he comes back, you don't run but you laugh because none of what he says can scare or upset you.

It is like the devil coming up to Elon Musk😂 telling him,"He is a poor man and unimportant man"

What a joke , it would be for him !

The same should be true with you, when he comes, you should know who you are in Christ so much that You can yawn at his insults and focus on what's important which is Building God's kingdom , making People's Lives better , preaching the Gospel , Laying hands to impart healings of all kinds not Running away from a defeated enemy.

Think of it along those lines and get creative on how to use this Fuel.

I personally must say , i was Afraid of what people thought about me and people's words always got to me , i would ponder on them and get so Sad

And whenever i told the Lord , he would say"You can do this" , "You are a strong young man"

I would be like" Lord , Look at the reports i am receiving, what do you mean , i can handle this !"

He would say the same things over and over again 

But i was convinced that i was disadvantaged , one could say i believed in my problem and insecurities more than i believed God's belief in me but over time , i started seeing that i do things people can't do,

That i can do things consistently and just keep doing it despite opposition, when i saw this , i grew in confidence

I started believing better things about myself

Just recently , a bad report came 😂but i laughed and i still do whenever i am bored , i bring it to my mind that i am Dangerous and can handle alot more , that words are only words and actually aren't anything to be afraid of !

Also there was a time someone said something so belittling and annoying but how i calmed myself down was i said "i am going to hear worse and people will do worse"

I am putting myself in a place where im trying to find peace in a storm , if i can master this 

On the sunny day,i enjoy the sun more because i won't worry about the upcoming storms which i know i can handle even if i am gotten up from the deepest sleep

When i realised this , i Grew in confidence.

Realising that people will keep being People and the Devil shall keep taunting me, i don't stress myself about my lack of peace and worrying about the worst, i get familiar with the worst so i can't be afraid of the worst spoiling my best days and in this peace follows , Peace is the abscene of war !

I don't know what is happening to you but Whatever it is , God knows you got this !

I have obsessed over my failures , how i didn't get the things i wanted but now that i look back, im like i went through but i am still going on

This only means it can't destroy me completely

So i got even more confident

You see confidence is built over time , it is a record of achievements

You will never get confidence , sitted down feeling sorry for yourself and doing nothing to change your situation.

Some problems arent solved in prayer , some require experience , others Require Associations

Ask God to Show which realm you should look at as you face your trials 

Because sometimes we suffer because we simply don't know what to do, for example you might fail math simply because You don't understand it due to lack of revision and deligience

In this case , you need to work and pray God guides you to do better.

I hope the realm business makes sense.

I have understood that there exists no problem that Time , effort , faith and God can't fix

I am yet to find it (😂if it does exist ,lol) 

But closing up, Spiritual warfare happens in the spirit world and is won by faith and lost by disbelief

God will never give something you can't handle ( examine your life and you will realise that it is true )

Ask God to make you strong(reveal more of his word) so that You can stand up against the devil, resist him and he flees from you.

Shalom and Stay Hard !!


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