The power of Observation

*Power of Observation*
Human beings learn the most from observation and practice.

The theme verse tells us that 
" The Lord gave us eyes to see with and ears to hear with. And they are a gift to us" 
It might look cliche but if you really study it, you will understand that the Lord wants us to learn from the things around us.
If we didn't have eyes , how would see the beautiful things around us , how would see those who need help and so help them ?
If we didn't have ears , how would we get other opinions to life and listen to other Beautiful things in the world like Music
What a great Gift from God ! Allowing us to experience Life ❤

God designed the world around you to be the ultimate Training ground that you need, All you have to do is ask God to show you how the world around is your classroom and He will definitely will.

Some Things will only come to you because of an association with someone 
For example if you are a friend to a person who has a deep relationship with Jesus , you will see/hear and learn how to interact with Jesus in a special way and your own relationship with Jesus will improve.

If something is around a Hot flame , it will be lit up too
So get the right associations and you will soon become like them
When it comes to friends of value and weighing their value to me, i ask myself ,
Would i want to think like him, Handle challenges the way he does , work like him , behave like him?
If the answer is no, i am going to keep them as my friends obviously , but not my close associates because i know the Human mind is very prone to influence and i wouldn't want myself being lit up by their character , i would want myself to lit up by Positive and Developmental people so that my personal life can improve as i stretch myself,
So that i can be forced out of my comfort zone so that i can reach greater heights.

So coming back to the eyes and ears , i Think God gave us 2 of each because he really wanted us to learn and observe the world around us and pick lessons from it.
If you see something is Good , why don't you do it also ?
If you hear a great piece of advice , why don't you take action on it ?
Sometimes God can speak to you through nature , and other means around you so keep your eyes open to receiving visual messages from the Lord.

Nice day 🔆 and Great weekend


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